Avoid Mistakes: How to Order Metal Roofing

Ordering metal roofing—it’s all in the details! Unfortunately, it can be very easy to make a mistake when ordering metal roofing for your next project, especially if you take the details for granted. Ordering mistakes can often lead to extra expenses and time delays, and that’s the last thing we want for you. That’s why the Great Northern Metal Company team came up with this quick guide for how to order metal roofing: so you can succeed! First, we’ll list a few of the top mistakes we commonly see with Bozeman metal roofing orders and how to correct them. We’ll wrap things up with a straightforward checklist of what you need to do in order to have a successful metal roofing order, whether it’s a residential or commercial project. Let’s get started.

Top Metal Roofing and Siding Order Mistakes

Mistake #1: Ordering off eagle view or plans without measuring the structure

This is one of the biggest mistakes we see contractors make. If you order metal roofing systems based on eagle views or plans without actually measuring the building’s structure, you will always have inaccurate measurements. Why? Because you will not take into account the actual, built dimensions of the building. You will, then, either over or under-order materials, which is a waste of time, materials, and money for your project.

Many contractors assume ordering asphalt shingle roofing and ordering metal roofing is the same thing, but they are not. While asphalt roofing can be easily cut or adjusted to fit a roof, metal roofing is custom-made and cut for your project—it can’t be easily adjusted.

Simply, put in your metal roofing order for the dimensions that are actually built, not in plans. Because there is no room to change those numbers when you’ve received your metal roofing order. Check out our guide for how to measure a metal roof to get accurate dimensions and measurements for your metal roofing order.

Mistake #2: Not discussing the plans with the installer/not letting the installer order.

Not discussing your building’s plans with the metal roofing system installer or not letting the installer put in the metal panel order is a common mistake. It’s important to let your installer order the panels or, at least, discuss your plans with the metal roofing installer, because there are recommended installation procedures based on the type of panel you order. If the general contractor doesn’t follow the recommended installation procedures, then the roofing project can go sideways quickly. Panels can get installed improperly or in the wrong place, which can be a costly mistake for your time and budget. So, talk with your installer before ordering metal roofing and siding materials to lay out where each material goes.

Mistake #3: Ordering the total linear or square footage, not plane by plane.

With metal roofing and siding, it’s crucial to order based on the measurements of each plane of the house, not the total linear or square footage of the project. Contractors who order based on the total linear footage will always be short in materials because the total linear footage often doesn’t take into account each section of the building’s unique specifications, installation errors that can happen, etc. When ordering metal panels, we suggest thinking of each plane individually instead of collectively.

Mistake #4: Ordering metal panels before you are ready to install them.

Don’t get us wrong: we’re happy you’re prepared and want to be ahead of the game with ordering materials. But here’s the thing: you don’t have to order metal roofing and siding far out in advance for your project. Metal panels are ready when they’re ready, and there often aren’t the delays you expect from ordering other supplies for building projects, like lumber, cabinetry, and appliances. If you order metal panels far in advance, they usually end up sitting around the job site and get damaged. Then you have to order more materials, which is often costly and can set you over budget. Instead, we suggest calling Great Northern Metal to see what the current lead times are. We’ll meet the current lead times and meet your schedule. It’s as easy as that!

How to Order Metal Roofing Checklist

If you’re wondering how to order metal roofing, this checklist is for you. Our metal roofing experts curated the top, must-do tasks, questions to answer, and dimensions to have on hand to complete before submitting a metal roofing order. Follow this checklist, and you’ll be on your way to a successful project, whether it’s residential metal roofing and siding or commercial metal roofing and siding.

How to Order Metal Roofing Checklist

Questions to Answer
  • If you have different roof pitches, what’s the lowest roof pitch?
  • What’s the longest panel of any given roofing section?
  • Where is the project located?
  • Have you chosen a metal roof color/finish? If so, what have you chosen?
Tasks to Do
  • Review the installation guides online for the panel you want to order (trust us, this covers A LOT of information and questions you may have!)
  • Frame and measure the structure you need metal roofing or siding for (don’t measure off plans).
  • Provide photos of any tricky sections of the project.

Ready to Order?

Whether you’ve gone through the checklist and are ready to order or still have questions about how to order metal roofing, our team is here to help! Reach out to our Bozeman metal roofing team at Great Northern Metal Company to place your order or chat with one of our experts.

Additional Resources

Guides and How-tos
Ice Damming 101: How to Combat Ice Dams on Metal Roofs

Ice Damming 101: How to Combat Ice Dams on Metal Roofs

We’re no stranger to cold weather in Montana. Icy gales, heavy snowfall, and double negative degree weather are all part of the winter experience. However, ice dams on your metal roof are a chilly occurrence you shouldn’t have to face. Ice buildup on your roof can...

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